The Brooklyn SciFi Film Festival presents an evening of selected SciFi short films from the legendary Jimbocho Movie Fest in Tokyo, Japan, at Stuart Cinema on Tuesday, October 15th, to be followed by a filmmaker panel moderated by Yasu Suzuki of the New York Japan Cinema Fest. As part of the evening, Brooklyn SciFi will recognize a jury selected best Japanese SciFi film from Jimbocho. Attendees will receive a free Godzilla Eras Tour poster as part of this year’s 70th Anniversary of Godzilla celebration. Tickets available at Eventbrite.
Short Films:
Future! Future!
IVARA -case of extra-
Keiko-san and I
My Edison
Feature Film Trailers:
Bar Sci-Fi film "REUNION:02 -GENESIS
Join us for a filmmaker Q&A session after the film presentations hosted by Yasu Suzuki of the New York Japan Cinefest with Yuriko Yamamoto, director of Keiko-san and I, and actress Minami Urushibata from the cast.
Minami Urushibata is a Japanese actress from Kanagawa. She made her film debut in the short movie "SECOND WEEK" (2021). She performs on TV dramas, films and commercials. She loves playing the electric guitar.